Monday, June 12, 2006

End of the first day...


Well... it's about 8:30, and time for my bed time. The first day has been a lot of fun. I hit two more sessions....:

CON314 (WinFX) Windows workflow Foundation: Building Workflow-Enabled Services with WCF. Pretty good. The speaker showed us some ways to integrate WCF with Workflow stuff from both angles (easy and neat vs. wider WS* support and security). He also pointed out that in the new VS (Orcas?) this latter will somehow be merged with the former. It will be a neat trick.

ARC204 Web Services Security: Scenarios, Patterns and Implementations. Another good session. It was put on by two guys from the Patterns and Practices group. They have just published a book (which I was able to get a free copy of!) of guidences and practices for implementing security patters with web services (as the title suggests.) I've flipped though the book a little. I is kind of structured like a questionnaire, helping you determine what approach is best depending on your situation. It also explains the benefits/drawbacks of one approach vs another for each case and how to implement each one. I didn't see any mention of how (if) it interacts with EL (or if it even should) but if I track one of the speakers down, I'll be sure to ask him.

The expo reception was fun as well; lots of people. Oh, how I love a crowd. If I pick up one more piece of swag, I'm gonna tip over!

OK, that's all, I'm tired. More tomorrow...

1 comment:

James Bender said...

Gah! No, I'm not sure why the picture is broken. Might be because it's from my camera phone, which I e-mailed to my gmail account, which is probably where the link points to.

I'll have to try to fix it when I get back.